Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hangzhou Youth and Children's Center

We finally had a chance to visit some elementary-aged students today at the Hangzhou Youth and Children’s Center. This is a summer school/camp of sorts for children aged from preschool through at least middle school. They have all kinds of classes from art to English to music classes for the children. There is even an amusement park there as well to entertain the students. It was my understanding that students can take individual classes, or can do sort of a day camp there as well. I was able to give out all of my school pencils and gifts during the visit, so I was very pleased. You can see a cartoon drawing class in the picture below.

After a quick lunch at McDonald’s we had several hours of class. We did have a gourd flute player perform during class, and that helped things to speed along during the afternoon. After dinner we had another hour or so of class to wrap up some group projects we have been working on during our stay. I am now working to figure out exactly how many Yuan I need for the little time I have left in China. Most of us are beginning to pack up for our Friday return to the USA.

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